Wednesday, July 8, 2015

A little catch up

Today is my 4th day in Canada and aside from discovering that the Canadians do not drive anywhere close the the speed limit and their deodorant of choice is Off bug repellant ('cause the mosquitoes and flies will carry you away), I have had a great time exploring the southern parts of BC (British Columbia for most of you).
I'll not rant about the cell phone companies and their obvious collusion with American providers that force you to use your service with all the roaming charges and data fees (Verizon wants $.99/min for calls to/from and $2.05/mg data. Who can use data in MG anymore??) Nor will I rag about my bank - whom I called to tell them I was going to Canada and still froze my account - that took a $25 phone call to get a "we sorry this happened", but all's well now.
Passing thru Canadian Customs was not difficult - I was the only one for about twenty minutes.

Leaving USA in entering Canada
Headed West on highway 3 to Osoyoos to pick up highway 97 that I will follow most of the way to Alaska. This was the Okanagan Valley that is very much like Lake Region of Italy with lots of Fruit farms and wine producers. Since July 1st was Canada Day, everyone is beginning their summer holidays and there was 'no place at the inn..', so I resorted to camping in the Walmart parking lot with a couple of other seasoned travelers. No Worries, eh! I did treat myself to a very good Canadian steak and good dinner. I did miss the Women's World Cup - but yeah USA!!!
The litany w/o wifi is to stop at Starbucks and use their wifi and go to Tourist info (I am a tourist after all) to check on wildfires to help shape my trip. Conclusion: the Northern Hemisphere is aflame!!!
My second night was in Wells Gray Provincial Park just north of Kamloops. Beautiful place, if it weren't for the bugs (Off!!)
Helmcken Falls
Dawson Falls
Pier at Clearwater Lake - Short walk anyone?
From here I drove ever Northward to the East of Wells Gray Park - it is huge - I came to rest last night in Prince George.
All methods of travel here in Canada.
I declared a 'make and mend' day (reading too many old sailing novels set in the 1700's). Cleaned the coach, did the laundry, and then worked on photos and now the blog. There is so much to see and fortunately the natives are great - except behind the wheel of a vehicle.
Tonight I study the old 'Milepost' for the road from here to Dawson Creek and the beginning of the Alaska Highway. I think I will also stop here for two days and stay up on the blog and see the 'sites'.
Talk later
Please leave a comment - it's nice to know someone is looking at these ramblings of mind beside my good friend David.


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