Sunday, May 31, 2015

Almost Time - Summer Trip

My girls' birthdays are quickly approaching and with their celebration comes my Summer Journey. Last year, as you may  know, I went for an extended voyage on the Semester at Sea ship from June 14th to August 21st and then on to France and Italy for an additional two months. What a wonderful adventure and discovery.
This year I will stay in this Hemisphere at least This January I bought a small 25' Class C motorhome and will be doing my explorations from it.
Motorhome in Joshua Trees Nat'l Park

I believe that I will be able to leave on June 17th. Where will I go?? North!!
I think I'll go up US 395 on the Eastern side of the Sierras stopping at Mono Lake (Check on the Tufa), See if I can navigate the road into Bodie, the old ghost town, and then stop by to see the relatives in Tahoe for a short visit.
Then it will be onward to the North. Fairbanks sounds good. Travel the Alaska Highway. My copy of the Milepost should arrive tomorrow.
Drop by from time to time and see what I'm up to. Though, I will be going through some Non-wifi areas again, but I intend to take a few weeks going, in Alaska and coming back South.
Anyone have suggestions for a decent fishing rig?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Traveling the Southwest

I have been so involved with the Arcanum and shooting pix that I have neglected this blog for too long. I have been traveling the Arizona and New Mexico area, seeing the sight of Santa Fe and Las Cruces and then traveling home via the closest roads to the border with Mexico. I am in Gila Bend, AZ - anyone know where that is?? Heading home by way of the I-10. I'll stop tomorrow night at Joshua Trees and hope that the moonless sky will give me better opportunities for star shots.
I know that many people love this arid climate and desert environment, but I'm sorry - I just don't get it. Spring is a good time to be here, I guess, for at least the cactus are blooming and that gives a bit of color to the monotones ever present here.
here is a shot of a hollyhock you may enjoy.

Enjoy and I will be making more explorations this summer as part of a project I'm percolating. 