Sunday, April 24, 2016

Exploring the Delta

Got to go out and check out the neighborhood, right?? Went to see some of the close areas on the Sacramento Delta, like Bethel Island, Jersey Island, then Sherman Island off the CA160 heading North. Rich farmland that is being turned into sub-developments at a fast clip. One day, we will have no land to grow food for those that are living on this land. Sorry, I forgot -- all this land will be underwater in a hundred years or less from Global Warming, so no worries!! This area deserves further discoveries and I look forward to that.
I got out my Tamron 150-600mm to try to get some shots of the birds of the area. Well, I tried, but my hat off to all those who are so good at this. I'll keep trying, though.

I didn't know that up the channel there are two deep water harbors. Sacramento I knew of, but Stockton,CA?? It's right in the heart of the agricultural area and is the fourth largest port in in California. Future trip! As to the fishing, I understand that many of the fish have high levels of Mercury, but that least would be more fun than just drinking the water, eh??
Went as far as Rio Vista, a small quiet town along the Sacramento river.

Future sightseeing with take me to the Jelly Belly factory in Fairfield and some more slow explorations of the Delta.

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