Sunday, July 3, 2016

Rushmore National Monument

I did stay around for the evening festivities. Not being a total flag waving rah-rah American, I am still enough of one to be moved by a few John Phillip Sousa marches and George M Cohan as well. I must say the flag lowering ceremony was nicely done by inviting all the past and present military in the audience to step on stage. Over 60 did and though they hadn't participated in lowering the flag in many years they did quite well. But it exceeded that by actually asking each for their names and ranks afterwards that impressed me.
This is the monument after the show when they light it up. Over bright for my taste but they keep it on from 9:30 to 11:00 and then a Ranger tells me that the Park locks up at 11:30. Half hour window. Not knowing how much light would remain, I took some shots and when the lights went off, there was still so much light pollution from the safety row lights and other that, well....

Night lighting REALLY adjusted. But you can see the 'grain' of the stone
A lot of pollution from the arena. Lots of cloud cover.
Avenue of Flags

 Here are a few random shots to close out this visit.

Sculpture model from studio

Detail of Teddy Look at the work involved
Thought it was interesting
Don't know who they are - but they were having fun!!
Happy 4th

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